2006.10.14 - 小熊維尼


小熊維尼(Winnie the Pooh)的前身是一只玩具熊,由英國作家 Alan Alexandra Milne(1882-1956)的妻子 Dorothy Milne 在1921年從倫敦一間著名店舖「Harrods」買入,作為送給他們兒子 Christopher Robin Milne(1920-1996)的生日禮物。

Winnie the Pooh 本名為「Edward Bear」,名字中的「Winnie」來自一隻倫敦動物園中的黑熊(Winnipeg),而「Pooh」則來自 Milne's 1924年的詩作 "When We Were Very Young"。

原著的小熊維尼是由畫家 Ernest Howard Shepard (1879-1976) 所畫--

封面原著現收藏在倫敦維多利亞艾柏特博物館(Victoria and Albert Museum)兒童館(V&A Museum of Childhood)中。

【摘錄自 小熊維尼的森林】
有關更詳盡的小熊維尼歷史可參考 Pooh the Bear。


A time when the leaves fall, the days begin to get a little colder. Where you can find pine cones on the ground and collect them. The wind gets stronger, sometimes blowing things right away. Where the best thing is being with friends and doing great stuff together.

Wind on the Hill
No one can tell me,
Nobody knows,
Where the wind comes from,
Where the wind goes.
It's flying from somewhere
As fast as it can,
I couldn't keep up with it,
Not if I ran.
Excerpted from《Now We Are Six》

A good time for rubbing up to keep warm and for sitting by the fire and having friends over. It is also a great time to go visit with friends, if it does not get too cold. It's the time of year that you look forward to getting the tree for Xmas; and if you are going to get the tree, it's best that you get ALL your friends to help.

The more it snows,
The more it goes,
The more it goes,
On snowing.
And nobody knows,
How cold my toes,
How cold my toes,
Are growing.
Excerpted from《The House at Pooh Corner》

A Pooh time to have fun with one's friends, to go for walks, to see the flowers, to hear the bees buzzing (making honey), and perhaps even to go on a picnic.

Noise by Pooh
Oh, the butterflies are flying,
Now the winter days are dying,
And the primroses are trying
To be seen.
And the turtle doves are cooing,
And the woods are up and doing,
For the violets are blueing
In the green.
Oh, the honey-bees are gumming
On their little wings, and humming
That the summer, which is coming
And the cows are almost cooing,
And the turtle-doves are mooing,
Which is why a Pooh is poohing
In the sun.
For the spring is really springing,
You can see the skylark singing,
And the blue-bells, which are ringing,
Can be heard.
And the cuckoo isn't cooing,
But he's cucking and he's cooing,
And a Pooh is simply poohing
Like a bird.
Excerpted from《The House at Pooh Corner》

The time to take lazy warm days slowly: to go fishing with a friend or just to be with one; to share thoughts, poems, and hums; to sit and do nothing; and just to enjoy the warm summer days in the Wood to perhaps play 'Pooh-sticks'.

Down by the Pond
I'm fishing -
Don't talk, anybody, don't come near!
Can't you see that the fish might hear?
He thinks I'm playing with a piece of string;
He thinks I'm another sort of funny sort of thing,
But he doesn't know I'm fishing -
He doesn't know I'm fishing
That's what I'm doing -
《Now We Are Six》

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Winnie The Pooh by Disnep's
Labels: Living - Memory, Loving - Birthday, Loving - Friends
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